Architects Registration Board | Guide to Becoming a Registered Architect in Barbados
Revised December 16th, 2011
The B.A.R.E (Barbados Architecture Registration Exam) is administered by the Architects Registration Board as partial fulfilment of the requirements for architects’ registration. The examination is scheduled for March and September of each year. This coincides with a mandatory minimum six-month waiting period between failed divisions. If a candidate failed a division, this allows him/her to spend the time between test administrations gaining additional knowledge, skills and abilities in the appropriate areas of practice. Candidates are encouraged to apply at least two months before the scheduled dates.
The A.R.B currently requires applicants to hold an accredited professional degree in architecture (B.Arch, M.Arch, Dip.Arch), have three years (minimum) approved internship in the offices of architects before they are allowed to begin the examination sequence. Upon passing all divisions of the B.A.R.E, the candidate will be recognized by the A.R.B as a licensed architect.
The B.A.R.E has been designed and developed to test a candidate’s entry-level competence to practice architecture and its’ contents relate as closely as possible to the situations encountered in practice. The examination’s intention is to test for the kind of knowledge, skills and abilities required of an architect, with particular emphasis on those services that affect public health, safety and welfare. In order to accomplish these objectives, the exam shall test for:
knowledge in specific subject areas of the profession
The ability to consolidate and use information to solve a problem, and
The ability to manage the project including the ability to make decisions and to coordinate the activities of others on the building team
To this end the examination is divided into three parts.
Click below to learn more.
The Architects Registration Act provides for the constitution and procedures of the Architects Registration Board. The board consists of the Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of Transport, Works & Water Resources, ex-officio or nominee; one person appointed by the Minister; and four registered architects appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the Barbados Institute of Architects. All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.
Following the amendment of the Act The Board established a mandate based upon the board’s interpretation of the Architects Registration Act, 2003-5 regulations, section 19(1) (dated 21st April, 2003), and the Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2005-28 (dated 8th December, 2005). Click below to learn more.
Click the links below to download the following important resources:
Architects Registration Board
Mr. Peter Thorpe
Administrative Officer 1
C/O Ministry of Transport, Work & Water Resources
Pine East - West Boulevard
The Pine, St. Michael
Tel: (246) 536-0099
Mr. Pierre Tatem
Chairman of the Architects Registration Board
Dip. Arch, B.Arch, M.Arch
Gillespie & Steel Associates Ltd. (GSA)
Mr. Kurt R. G. Bourne
B.A. (Hons), M.Arch., MBA, RA, BIA
LEED Green Associate
ADCM Consultancy Inc.
Mr. Anthony Brooks
B.Sc. (Hons), M.A. (Hons.),
Dip. Arch., RIBA, BIA.
Tony Brooks Architects Ltd
Mr. Paul Simpson
P.B. Simpson Architects
Dr. Albert Best
Archis Design group Inc
Ex Officio