BIA Membership
As a member of the Barbados Institute of Architects (BIA), the BIA will support you and your work with everyday practical tools and resources. BIA sets the standard for educational and professional excellence in Barbados. We shine a light on your work, represent your views and focus on the issues that matter most to you. We work hard to protect you and your profession. By joining us, you can help us do more. As a Member you will have access to a wide range of valuable benefits. There are six types of individual BIA Memberships to choose from.
Our Membership consists of a cross section of industry professionals including:
. Registered Architects
. Architectural Assistants
. Architectural Technologists & Technicians
. Architectural Students & Interns
. Landscape Architects
. Interior Designers
. Quantity Surveyors
. Project Managers
. Engineers
. Contractors
. Land Surveyors
. Product Suppliers
Find The Right Membership For You
Note: All members shall be citizens of Barbados, or persons residing in Barbados, or persons residing in an Island/ Country/ Territory associated with the Barbados Institute of Architects. Members only shall be allowed to use the letters "BIA" after their names, or to use the title “Architect” to distinguish their professional status. International Members only shall be allowed to use the letters "IBIA" after their names, or to use the title “Architect” to distinguish their professional status.