The examination will be graded in three separate parts. PART 1 shall be graded separately with a pass mark of 75% required in each division. A Pass/Fail result is given for PARS 2 and 3. The three parts of the exam are separate and distinct and Candidates are required to pass each part sequentially before moving on to the next one.
Architects Registration Board | Guide to Becoming a Registered Architect in Barbados
Revised December 16th, 2011
The graders for examinations are a selected group of practicing architects who form the admission's committee of the A.R.B. This committee is responsible for assuring that the grading criteria are applied properly. The criteria are set by the committee after coming to unanimous agreement over a representative sample of exam solutions. Having this process in place means that all exams solutions will be graded in the same way regardless of who evaluates it.
The examination will be graded in three separate parts:
PART 1 shall be graded separately with a pass mark of 75% required in each division. The scaled, or converted scores, which are reported, are obtained by converting the number of questions answered correctly (raw, or actual score) in each division to a scale of 1 to 100, with 75 set as the minimum passing point. The reported scores are the percentage of questions answered correctly. All divisions must be passed individually and cannot be averaged.
A Pass/Fail result is given for PART 2 and PART 3.
The three parts of the exam are separate and distinct and Candidates are required to pass each part sequentially before moving on to the next one.
The minimum passing percentage score of 75 is not based on a pre-determined percentage of failing candidates. A percentage score of 75 represents the minimum level of competency in each division. Each division of the examination is assessed by the A.R.B Admissions Committee for it’s difficultly and for the ability of the borderline candidate to answer each question correctly.
The examination format is subject to change and candidates who were unsuccessful with particular divisions of the B.A.R.E will be required to take the appropriate substitute within the new format as determined by the A.R.B whenever a change is made.
Non-submission of supporting documents and fees, or absence from any part of the examination will render the application null and void. However, special consideration will be given to persons providing a Medical Certificate prior to the day of the examination in relation to non-attendance.
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Candidates will be observed at all times while taking the examination. They are not allowed to:
Copy or remove test materials from the test centre; refer to notes, language translation dictionaries, or reference materials during the administration of the exam; have cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), calculators, weapons, pagers, recording devices, photographic devices, digital watches, briefcases, laptops, purses, wallets, books, coats, hats, food, beverages, and personal contents at their desk. A visually-accessible area located within the test centre will be designated for placement of candidates’ bags containing their personal items. They are allowed to bring HB pencils, erasers and sharpeners to their exam desk.
In observing these regulations the Chief Examination Invigilator reserves the right to refuse entry or re-entry to the Examination.
The candidate will be notified of their results within two months of testing and their eligibility to retake the portions of the Examinations that they failed on the next scheduled date. Alternatively, they will be notified of their eligibility to apply for the next part of the B.A.R.E or their eligibility to register as a Architect in Barbados. However, if the candidate does not gain passing grades for all divisions within five years after his/her first attempt they would have to retake the entire examination. No verbal results will be rendered to candidates.
A.R.B. keeps a record of exam results for statistical purposes; however, the results are confidential and will be released by A.R.B only to registration boards. The A.R.B reserves the right to use test results and candidate questionnaire responses in research studies that preserve your anonymity.
The Architects Registration Act provides for the constitution and procedures of the Architects Registration Board. The board consists of the Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of Transport, Works & Water Resources, ex-officio or nominee; one person appointed by the Minister; and four registered architects appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the Barbados Institute of Architects. All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.
Following the amendment of the Act The Board established a mandate based upon the board’s interpretation of the Architects Registration Act, 2003-5 regulations, section 19(1) (dated 21st April, 2003), and the Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2005-28 (dated 8th December, 2005). Click below to learn more.
Click the links below to download the following important resources:
Architects Registration Board
Mr. Peter Thorpe
Administrative Officer 1
C/O Ministry of Transport, Work & Water Resources
Pine East - West Boulevard
The Pine, St. Michael
Tel: (246) 536-0099
Mr. Pierre Tatem
Chairman of the Architects Registration Board
Dip. Arch, B.Arch, M.Arch
Gillespie & Steel Associates Ltd. (GSA)
Mr. Kurt R. G. Bourne
B.A. (Hons), M.Arch., MBA, RA, BIA
LEED Green Associate
ADCM Consultancy Inc.
Mr. Anthony Brooks
B.Sc. (Hons), M.A. (Hons.),
Dip. Arch., RIBA, BIA.
Tony Brooks Architects Ltd
Mr. Paul Simpson
P.B. Simpson Architects
Dr. Albert Best
Archis Design group Inc
Ex Officio