BIA Fellows
BIA Fellow Membership Category - Criteria
The Title “BIA Fellow” will only be accorded, at the discretion of Council, to present or past BIA Members who have made a significant contribution to the Profession of Architecture.
Criteria for Assessment
The person to be awarded the title “Fellow” must meet all of the following criteria:
a) be nominated and seconded by BIA members. Nomination and / or seconding may come from any category of member but cannot be by the Nominee, i.e. you cannot nominate yourself.
b) be a present or past BIA member in any membership category
c) have contributed to architecture for a minimum of 30 years prior to being nominated
d) meet the criteria of at least one (1) of the five (5) categories set out below:
Category 1: Design, Urban Design Or Preservation
Consideration to be given to a member who has produced distinguished bodies of work, through design, urban design, master planning or preservation / adaptive reuse. Works may be of any size, for any client and of any scope, reflecting any type of architectural design service. Their works must promote the aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession.
Category 2: Practice Management
Consideration to be given to a member who has made notable contributions through their work in architectural administration and management. This includes management of a firm, administration, project management or other speciality area. Their work must advance the standards of architectural practice, planning or building.
Category 3: Service To The Profession
Consideration to be given to a member who has actively, efficiently and cooperatively led or served the institute or a related professional organization over a sustained period and has gained widespread recognition as a result of their work. Their work must have served to advance the recognition of the profession of architecture and the building industry in general.
Category 4: Public Service
Consideration to be given to a member who has made notable contributions in public service or work in government or non-governmental organizations through leadership in the development of civic improvements and needed governmental projects. Works to include conservation, beautification, land-use regulations or transportation. Their work must have ensured the advancement of living standards of people through the improvement of their environment and amenities.
Category 5: Education, Research Or Literature
Consideration to be given to a member who has made notable contributions through their work in education, research or literature. The work should have a lasting impact, be widely recognized and provide inspiration to others in the profession. Research may include building codes & standards, new material applications, or inventions. Their work must advance the science and art of design and building by advancing the standards of architectural education and training.