Architects are highly trained professionals who have been licensed by the A.R.B. As members of the A.R.B, they are bound by the Architects Registration Act (A.R.A) and A.R.B Bylaws, and are expected to comply with the A.R.B’s Code of Professional Conduct. Once licensed, all architects must maintain their membership in good standing, inclusive of the A.R.B's mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and mandatory professional indemnity insurance.
The A.R.B confirms the competence of its members through a rigorous process. Each member must:
meet the education requirement;
complete the professional internship;
pass extensive examinations;
be a person of good character
obtain an ARB licence.
Under the Architects Registration Act (A.R.A) and A.R.B Policies, the words “Full Member” and “Architect” and the professional title “Registered Architect” are reserved for architects—those applicants who meet the education, experience, and examination requirements for engaging in the full range of activities defined as the practice of architecture in Barbados.
After approval by the A.R.B., the Architect is responsible for paying the Architects registration fee of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($1,250.00) to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, annually, in order to attain and to maintain registration as an Architect in Barbados. A certificate of registration is issued annually upon payment of these fees.
The A.R.A sets out the protected scope of work for the practice of architecture in Barbados. Only architects, through a Certificate of Practice, may offer services to the public within this protected scope of work.
Once licensed, architects can vote at the BIA Annual General Meeting, run for election to gain a voting seat on the BIA Council, volunteer on BIA Committees and Task Groups, as well as play a key role in training future architects.
Click the buttons below to learn more about the Architectural Services we provide and our Full Member Architects registered with both the BIA and A.R.B.
The Architects Registration Board recommends that the following building types be designed and sealed by a registered architect in an effort to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public in Barbados:

These include barns, stables, animal breeding units, and other such buildings.

These include communal halls, community centres, libraries, ambulance and fire stations, passenger terminals, bus stations, airports, cargo facilities, police stations, prisons, postal and broadcasting stations, civic centres, churches, temples, chapels, nightclubs, crematoria, concert halls, museums, art galleries, courts, theatres, opera houses, embassies, recreation centres, and other such buildings.

Commercial buildings of more than 5000 square feet or 465 square metres, or over two storeys in height, or where 50 persons or more are to be accommodated or are likely to assemble, or where multiple tenants are to occupy, or where it is determined that the interests of the public are likely to be affected.

These include schools, college & university complexes, college & university facilities, and other such buildings.

These include storage sheds, factories, workshops, garages, petrol filing stations, showrooms, and other such buildings but does not include warehouses.

These include clinics, homes for the elderly, health centres, accommodations for the disabled, hospitals, medical/ dental surgeries, general hospital complexes, medical laboratories, nursing homes, treatment centres, rehabilitation centres, mental health centres and other such buildings.

These include townhouses, apartment buildings, condominiums (residential), dormitories, hostels, estate housing (i.e. 3 or more detached houses on a parcel of land), and other such buildings.

These include sports centres, swimming pools, stadia, grandstands, pavilions, bowling alleys, drive-in theatres, movie theatres, health clubs, gymnasiums, zoos, aquariums, indoor courts, clubhouses, indoor shooting ranges and other such facilities.
Any other building types that are not listed here and cannot be classified as a minor architectural alteration; a family dwelling; or a commercial building with a maximum floor area of 5000 square feet (465 square metres) or a maximum height of two storey ; where it is determined that the interests of the public are likely to be affected.
Please note that these recommendations serve as a guide and are subject to the approval of the Minister of Transport and Works in order to be regarded as regulations in Barbados. We recommend that you always adhere to the current regulations in Barbados.
(a) Single Family Dwelling is a detached house containing one dwelling unit
(b) Two Family Dwelling is a detached house containing two dwelling units
(c) Family Dwelling is a detached house containing a single or a two-family dwelling (including a chattel house)
(d) Multifamily Dwelling is a building containing three or more dwelling units where families or households live independently of each other and do cooking within their own living quarters
(e) Apartment Building is a structure containing multiple living units which are rented to tenants
(f) Townhouse is one unit of a multi-unit dwelling structure in which the units share some common walls
(g) Condominium (residential) Building is a multi-unit structure, with individual ownership of a living unit and shared or communal ownership of the common areas and grounds
The Architects Registration Act provides for the constitution and procedures of the Architects Registration Board. The board consists of the Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of Transport, Works & Water Resources, ex-officio or nominee; one person appointed by the Minister; and four registered architects appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the Barbados Institute of Architects. All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.
Following the amendment of the Act The Board established a mandate based upon the board’s interpretation of the Architects Registration Act, 2003-5 regulations, section 19(1) (dated 21st April, 2003), and the Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2005-28 (dated 8th December, 2005). Click below to learn more.
Click the links below to download the following important resources:
Architects Registration Board
Mr. Peter Thorpe
Administrative Officer 1
C/O Ministry of Transport, Work & Water Resources
Pine East - West Boulevard
The Pine, St. Michael
Tel: (246) 536-0099
Mr. Pierre Tatem
Chairman of the Architects Registration Board
Dip. Arch, B.Arch, M.Arch
Gillespie & Steel Associates Ltd. (GSA)
Mr. Kurt R. G. Bourne
B.A. (Hons), M.Arch., MBA, RA, BIA
LEED Green Associate
ADCM Consultancy Inc.
Mr. Anthony Brooks
B.Sc. (Hons), M.A. (Hons.),
Dip. Arch., RIBA, BIA.
Tony Brooks Architects Ltd
Mr. Paul Simpson
P.B. Simpson Architects
Dr. Albert Best
Archis Design group Inc
Ex Officio