All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.
Architects Registration Board | Guide to Becoming a Registered Architect in Barbados
Revised December 16th, 2011
The Architects Registration Act provides for the constitution and procedures of the Architects Registration Board. The board consists of the Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, ex-officio or nominee; one person appointed by the Minister; and four registered architects appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the Barbados Institute of Architects. All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.
Following the amendment of the Act The Board established a mandate based upon the board’s interpretation of the Architects Registration Act, 2003-5 regulations, section 19(1) (dated 21st April, 2003), and the Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2005-28 (dated 8th December, 2005) as outlined below:
19 (1) The Board may, Subject to the approval of the minister, make Regulations
(a) regulating the conditions of architectural practice in Barbados;
(b) specifying what institutions are approved by the Board for the purpose of section 5(2) -which states the qualifications for registration of an architect;
(c) providing for the conduct of examinations and related matters and the fees to be paid for such examinations;
(d) prescribing the procedure to be followed in respect of disciplinary proceedings against architects in relation to professional misconduct;
(e) setting up for any period or ad hoc a disciplinary body to investigate and adjudicate upon any allegation of professional misconduct on the part of an architect and make
recommendations in respect of the allegation;
(f) providing for the publication of the recommendations of any body referred to in paragraph (d);
(g) determining the constitution and membership and regulating the procedure of any body referred to in paragraph (d) and providing for any other matter which may be relevant to that body or its functions;
(h) prescribing the fees payable in respect of any examination and registration under this act; (i) prescribing a code of professional conduct for architects;
(j) providing for the stamping of drawings or other documents and the use of seals by an architect; and
(k) carrying into effect generally the purposes for which the Board is constituted.
The Architects Registration Board's Mandate shall be as follows:
1. Develop guidelines as required for the practice of architecture in Barbados based upon the Board’s interpretation of the Act and provide for it’s (the Act’s) administration (see section 19(1)(a) and (j) above).
2. Establish requirements for academic and internship (practical training) qualifications (see section 19(1)(b )above and section 5)
3. Verify that all applicants, who are non-nationals, have obtained the necessary work permit to enable them to practice in Barbados (see section 7(d).
4. Specify institutions approved by the Board for registration of architects as institutions that are approved by Barbados Institute of Architects (B.I.A.) (see section 19(1)(b) above).
5. Implement and conduct a written examination to be known as the Barbados Architects Registration Examination (BARE) and prescribed the associated fees (see section 19(1)(bb) and (g) above and section 5A).
6. Provide for the design, assignment, acquisition and general use of seals by architects (see section 19(1)(i) (above). Designate the approved manufacturer of the standardized architects seal; assign the license numbers to be reflected on the respective seals and issue the associated certificates to approved architects. Provide general guidance to registered architects, the general public and regulatory departments on the types of buildings that shall be designed and stamped by registered architects as indicated by the Architects Registration Act.
7. Prescribe a code of professional conduct for architects in Barbados (see section 19(1)(h) above).
8. Serve as (or appoint as required) a disciplinary committee for disciplinary proceedings against architects in relation to misconduct and provide for the publication of the recommendations (see section 19(1)(c),(d),(e) and (f)(above).
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