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Architects  Registration  Board  |  Guide to Becoming a Registered Architect in Barbados
Revised December 16th, 2011

On 21st April, 2003 the Parliament of Barbados enacted an Act to make provision respecting the registration of architects and for related matters. The Act is cited as the Architects Registration Act, 2003. On 8th December, 2005 the Act was amended (Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2003-28). Within this section of the website, we refer to both the original and the amendment of the Architects Registration Act as "the Act (A.R.A)". Both of these documents are available for purchase at the Barbados Government Printery, located at:

Government Printing Department

Bay Street, Bridgetown, St.Michael

Barbados, W.I.

Visit Their Website

The Act defines the practice of Architecture, states qualifications for registration, provides for the use of the title 'Architect' to persons registered under the Act, provides for confined conditions of the practice of architecture by persons that are not registered architects, and provides for regulations to be administered by the Architects Registration Board (A.R.B). The Act also provides the constitution and procedure of the Board and a Form (FORM A) for application for registration as an architect. 

Candidates desirous of becoming Registered Architects usually arrive from varied backgrounds, whether educational, work experience or both. To achieve a homogeneous environment for architectural professional practice in Barbados, a minimum standard for architects’ registration has been established. This also serves as a basis for attaining regional and international reciprocity, to enable our architects to practice around the globe. 

A.R.B Guide to Licensure


The Architects Registration Act states that the 'practice of architecture' means rendering one or more of the following professional services to clients - advice, consultation, evaluation, planning, design and minor engineering services, inspection of construction and other services where expert knowledge, skill and experience are required in connection with the erection, enlargement or alteration of any building or buildings, or the equipment or accessories thereof or with the creation of the building environment where public amenity is concerned or involved.

Image by Kathryn Maingot

Learn More About The Architects Practising in Barbados

Information on individuals who are licensed to use the title “Registered Architect” and practise architecture in Barbados. Learn more. 

Urban Architecture

Learn More About International Licensure Verification

A person registered as an architect in another country whose requirements for registration are, in the opinion of the Board, no less exacting than those required for registration in Barbados.

Young Architect

Learn More About Registration Requirements for an Architect

Candidates desirous of becoming a licensed Architect in Barbados. Learn More about the Practical Training Program and and the Barbados Architects Registration Examination (B.A.R.E.)

Architects Registration Board

Mr. Peter Thorpe

Administrative Officer 1

C/O Ministry of Transport, Work & Water Resources

Pine East - West Boulevard

The Pine, St. Michael

Tel: (246) 536-0099


Mr. Pierre Tatem

Chairman of the Architects Registration Board

Dip. Arch, B.Arch, M.Arch

Gillespie & Steel Associates Ltd. (GSA)

Mr. Kurt R. G. Bourne

B.A. (Hons), M.Arch., MBA, RA, BIA

LEED Green Associate

ADCM Consultancy Inc.


Mr. Anthony Brooks

B.Sc. (Hons), M.A. (Hons.),

Dip. Arch., RIBA, BIA.

Tony Brooks Architects Ltd


Mr. Paul Simpson

P.B. Simpson Architects


Dr. Albert Best


Archis Design group Inc

Ex Officio

The Architects Registration Act provides for the constitution and procedures of the Architects Registration Board. The board consists of the Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of  Transport, Works & Water Resources, ex-officio or nominee; one person appointed by the Minister; and four registered architects appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the Barbados Institute of Architects. All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.

Following the amendment of the Act The Board established a mandate based upon the board’s interpretation of the Architects Registration Act, 2003-5 regulations, section 19(1) (dated 21st April, 2003), and the Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2005-28 (dated 8th December, 2005). Click below to learn more. 

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